Re-thinking Your Buying Behavior: The Canvas Approach

Over the years we have worked with hundred of clients, helping them simplify their closets and find meaning in their expression of style. One of the stand-out biggest takeaways clients have after an outfitting session is how much they can do with what they already own. Sometimes it just takes cleaning out the clutter and focusing on what works and why.

This NY Times article about buying less has been buzzing the last few weeks online and supports  what we believe in at Canvas--Invest in the best quality you can afford and only buy what you really need and love. The result? You'll spend less time on shopping and returns and have more time to devote to living life!

Honest Talk: How Do You Buy?

Clothing regardless of whether you are a gal or guy carries with it a mix of emotions and triggers. Sometimes it can feel like a treat at the end of a long day to indulge in new shoes or a chore to find a new bathing suit for vacation. Being mindful of your purchase style will help keep you accountable so you can enjoy a shopping trip. 

Stylist Confessions

As a stylist I know this, but as a consumer it's something I can still struggle with. I am an extremely frugal shopper to the point of self denial. When I invest in a big ticket item, I can take a long time (years) to research the perfect mix of quality, price, and fit. I have a few accountability partners (including Megan) to keep me honest, not overthink, and actual enjoy a hard earned handbag or jacket.   - Kimberly

Over the years, I've found that I don't get the same spark of joy buying something for myself that I do when I am working with a client. As a result, I am always looking for those special pieces that I can't live without. When I can't find anything, I end up buying lots of basics like black shirts or denim to hold me over. If I need a quick fix after a stressful day, you can always find me in Sephora.   - Megan

Starving the "More is More" Mentality

Fashion is a landscape of abundance with new collections dropping four (or up to 12) times a year. Yet, many of us suffer from a scarcity perspective when shopping. We buy in bulk to save, live in fear that our favorite cut of denim will be discontinued, and stock up on basics "just in case."

At Canvas, we understand that it's easy to get seduced by stores and caught up in shopping. We believe that it is ok to treat yourself every now and then. However, our vision for clients is to have a curated wardrobe of items that are not only loved, but worn till they are threadbare. To help, we both have little check-ins that we like to ask clients in the dressing room: 

1. Do you want to wear this as soon as you get home? If not, you probably don't need it.

2. Is this better than anything similar that you already own? If not, let's wait for better.

3. Does this feel like an A+? If not, then let's find one that is.

ProTip: If you wouldn't buy it at regular price, don't buy it on sale. Everyone has their breaking point on value, but if you don't love something enough to justify its cost you MAY not value it enough

Be Realistic in Your Goal Setting

What works for one, does not work for all. While we love being streamlined and minimal, there are seasons in life. Not celebrating that or allowing yourself to make fashion mistakes (learnings) can create its own host of problems.

We recommend budgeting and setting healthy realistic goals. We encourage our clients to be proactive consumers which is why we take inventory, schedule seasonal shopping trips, and are intentional in our selections. By planning your purchases, you are set up for success and not as vulnerable to shiny marketing tactics.

By having less in your closet, you naturally are forced to be more resourceful with what you have. This is one lesson Megan and I learned while doing our July Capsule Challenge. We actually found it was more fun getting dressed when we had fewer options because it caused us to be more creative.

Do What's Right For You And Enjoy It!

At the end of the day, we want clothing and getting dressed to be something that is fun and inspiring for all of our clients, not stressful or frustrating. While you may not be ready to take the plunge and quit shopping for a year (neither are we), it is important to step back and look at what and how you are buying. Find small ways to make those purchases more meaningful and then watch how that starts to filter through to the rest of your life.

Stay Stylish,

Posted on January 23, 2018 and filed under Capsule Dressing, Beauty & Wellness.

Winter Detox: When It's Time to Take a Beauty Breather

Last Winter I had a scary realization -- I hadn't had nail polish free toes for any length of time in the last five+ years. Megan and I have blogged a bit about natural or healthier options for manicure and pedicures in the past, but any sustained use simply isn't the best option.

This past Spring the buffed manicure was a popular look on runways and we are hoping it will return in 2018. In the meantime, this winter we are both giving our nails a breather and sporting the "natural" mani/pedi look. 

Perhaps it's our commitment to living a simpler 2018, but recharging our beauty routines and refining things feels liberating. How can you reset for the next month or two and focus on taking care of your deeper health? Read on for a few tips to help you jumpstart a minimal beauty routine.

Stay Stylish,


Healthy Nails Need Nourishment

Dry winter weather can strip your skin, hair, and nails from their natural moisture leading to breakage. To keep your nails looking their best sans-polish here are a few tips:

  • Consider starting with a "Princess" Mani/Pedi. This service is just like a normal mani/pedi but nails are buffed without polish. It can be a great way to kick off a clean look
  • Always have your favorite water bottle full and ready to re-hydrate
  • Consider taking Vitamin D & Biotin supplements
  • Re-Moisturize hands and nail beds for conditioning after showering and at bedtime
  • Limited prolonged hot water exposure (aka get ready to sport some cute dish gloves)
  • Keep nails trimmed or filed to a short length to avoid breakage or ripping

Baby Your Feet

Chances are someone you know has mentioned Baby Foot to you. It is a foot peeling mask made with botanicals and natural ingredients. You soak your feet for 15 minutes. After one week, the skin on your feet begins to peel, getting rid of calluses and dead skin. If you are planning to let your toes "breathe" over winter and go sans polish, you may want to treat your feet to a little pampering too. Buyer be warned: you will want to wear socks and keep your feet hidden for at least a week while the peeling process takes place!

If You Must Polish, Go Non-Toxic

If keeping your nails polish-free isn't an option, we recommend that you opt for non-toxic nail polish that doesn't contain the harsh chemicals that are in conventional polishes. Non-toxic polishes are made without formaldehyde, formaldehye resin, camphor, toluene, and dibutyl (yes, these all live in regular polishes). While they do come with a slightly higher price tag, the benefits are well worth the extra money. 

Our Favorite Picks

Footnote: A BIG THANK YOU!! To all our YELPERS this past year. Your amazing reviews helped earn us a Yelp 2017 LOVE award.

Posted on January 18, 2018 and filed under Beauty & Wellness.

Our Tips For Cleaning Out Your Closet Stress-Free

We have been particularly motivated lately to organize and clean up both our work and living spaces. Kimberly has undertaken the task of not only organizing her large walk-in pantry, but also editing down her wardrobe with only pieces she wears. I've been doing small home improvement projects, and am finally making an effort to transfer all of my shoes to plastic shoes bins to keep them dust-free and organized.

Use January to Reset and Clean Out Your Closet

The new year is alway a good opportunity to go through your entire closet and see what's working, what you aren't wearing anymore, and what can be put away until spring.

Not only does the cold, rainy weather give you the perfect excuse to stay inside all day, but you will feel much lighter having organized your belongings.

Think about your space as a "work space". Organize things by use and simplified natural flow. At the end of the day do you take off your jewelry before going to sleep? We recommend this to keep jewelry cleaner longer. Why not add a dish to your night stand for a stylish catchall.

Pro tip: Many stores will be having sales on organizing items in January, so take advantage of them! a quick web search to see stores near you with promos like Target, The Container Store, and Bed Bath and Beyond.

Stress-Free Steps for Cleaning Out Your Closet

So, in the spirit of out with the old and in with the new, here are our 5 stress-free steps for cleaning out your closet.

1.     Assess Your Current Style and How it Translates Through the Clothes in Your Closet. If you've become less edgy and more classic, it may be time to replace distressed jeans for tailored black pants.

2.     If You Haven’t Worn it in at Least Two Years, Then it is Time to Let it Go. We always tell ourselves we may need it one day, for that one event, but chances are it will just end up sitting in your closet for another 2 years. Exercise tough love, and let go of anything that hasn't made its way out of the closet in the past 2 years. Someone else can likely use it!

3.     Hold on to Heirloom Pieces. We all have those special pieces that we don't wear, but that have sentimental value (the dress you wore on your honeymoon or the vintage blouse that belonged to your mom). Take any heirloom pieces from your closet and store them in an airtight bin. This will help preserve them and free up room in your closet. 

4.    Ditch Wire Hangers. Wire hangers are tough on your clothes and can stretch them out. Opt for felt or wooden hangers instead to preserve their shape for longer. Plus, while you're busy swapping hangers you will get a good look at what's hiding in your closet. Need a few tips on how to hang? See our sweater blog here.

5.     Organize by Category. Organize your closet so that all of your pants, shirts, skirts, etc. are arranged together. Then take it one step farther and organize each category by color. It may be time consuming at first, but it save time later when you aren’t digging around for your favorite top.

Stay Stylish,

Shop Our Favorite Organizing Items:

Posted on January 12, 2018 and filed under Style Tips.

Winter Hair: Tips for All Weather Style and No Fuss Products

Every season, the environment has a special set of considerations to offer up to our beauty routines. This winter has been especially dry- has anyone else been the victim of static cling? And most recently our rainstorms have added a heavy dose of humidity back to the scene.

Wondering how to manage your mane and keep fresh looking regardless of what Mother Nature throws at you? At Canvas we have been prepping for a winter hair blog for weeks to try out a list of products to help you stay on your style game.

Smoothing the Static Cling

For the month of December, Kimberly was ELECTRIC! Perhaps her positive negative ions were misfiring, but every day she popped on a cozy chunky sweater over her freshly dried locks...sparks!! If you are in a pinch and need to combat static cling quickly, pull out a used dryer sheet from your laundry room and lightly wipe the charged offender. This concept also works for hair brushes. Alternatively, spray static guard on your daily hair brush, let it dry and begin again.

When all else fails, tie your hair up in a top knot bun or smooth it back in a sporty pony tail. If you have thicker hair, we recommend L. Erickson or Scunci No Damage Elastic Ties

Frizz Free Rainy Days

After this week's storms, we have traded in static for frizz. After trying a zillion different products, we both are total loyalists to Verb's Ghost Oil. Megan has very thin hair, but a lot of it with a slight natural curl. To keep her locks smooth all day, she applies a few drops of the Ghost Oil. And on rainy days when there is pretty much no point in pulling the blowdryer out, she combs in Bb "Don't Blow It" (H)air Styler for a naturally dried look (minus the frizz) that loos like she put in the effort.

Embrace Messy Hair

Have you ever woken up in the morning, looked in the mirror and thought "Wow, my hair looks kind of good right now."? Yup, we have too. Sometimes it is fun to forego a sleek style for perfectly messed hair. Kimberly uses IGK's Beach Party spray to add texture and lift at her roots. It is also a great product to use in between shampoos to absorb excess oil. Plus, the smell will make you feel like you are actually on the beach!

Stay Stylish,

Shop Our Favorite Picks:

Posted on January 9, 2018 and filed under Beauty & Wellness.

2018 Resolutions And Giving You More Content That YOU Want!

Happy New Year! We had a tricky time deciding what we wanted our first post to be for 2018. We wanted it to be fun, but also meaningful as well.

0ur 2018 Resolutions

Every year we like to share our resolutions (check out our 2016 resolutions and 2017 resolutions). It's not only become a tradition at Canvas, but it also keeps us accountable if we don't follow them!

A theme at Canvas in 2018 is FUN! We are so passionate about helping our clients look and feel their best, and sharing style and fashion content with you all on the blog, that it can be easy to put pressure on ourselves. So as we venture into a new year, we are embracing each moment, each post and each task with a joyful mentality. 

"Style-wise, in 2018 I am actually pushing myself to add more to my wardrobe. I tend to be very minimalistic and selective with what I add, and I want to enjoy the freedom of a few impulse purchases that are just fun! Personally, I want to practice being more present in each moment and embracing more spontaneous adventure. First up, a yoga retreat later this month!"
Kimberly:  "I'm embracing FUN in 2018! As I reflected back on 2017 I realized how heavy I made it. When I get focused on something I can quickly become all business (aka I'm a perfectionist). I want to step back, focus on what is working and let things go instead of trying to make everything work. This translates to my wardrobe too--after a serious purge I have all my basics set but could use some unplanned pieces that reflect more of my personality." 

What Do You Want From Canvas in 2018?

We are going to be honest, we faced some serious burnout at the end of 2017. As we mentioned previously, we took the week between Christmas and New Year's off from social media and worked to recharge, refocus and spend time with our loved ones. We love blogging and creating new content for you all, but some days it can feel hard to put on a pretty outfit and smile for the camera.

We also want this to be a fun place for you to come and enjoy new content. So, we want to know what YOU want to read more about on our blog in 2018? Do you want more style recommendations with links to our favorite picks or more personal content with photos of what we are wearing and loving? Let us know and we will make it happen!

Happy new year, and as always, stay stylish!



Posted on January 5, 2018 and filed under Beauty & Wellness.

NYE Style: Ring in 2018 In A Dress That POPS!

As I write this New Year's Eve dressing post, I find myself feeling a little nostalgic about the year ending. 2017 has been a great year for Canvas. We've not only grown our styling business, but also met great new colleagues in the styling word and have been blessed with clients who continue to inspire us.

Above all, we have SO much love and gratitude to our family, friends, and clients who have championed us along the way. It's not always easy balancing all aspects of the business and finding time to blog about what is inspiring us, but we are encouraged by your feedback. Our hearts are full and we love you all!

Ok, now back to the topic of this post. Read on for our easy guide to New Year's Eve style success.

Are You NYE Sparkle or NYE Simple? 

When it comes to the biggest night of the year for getting glam and living it up, there are two types of people: those who love to go big with sparkle and a fabulous party dress (Kimberly always has a swoon-worthy look) and those that prefer to lay low and watch the ball drop in comfy clothes at home with friends (yup, that's me!). This year, I decided to step it up a notch and find a happy medium between full out glam and comfortable elegance.

Find the Dress that Makes You Glow

The most important thing about dressing up is to choose something that you feel great it. The second I put on this red Solace London dress I knew it was meant to be. The fit is fabulous - they make their dresses to fit a woman's body without being too tight or uncomfortable (Kimberly blogged about this British brand this fall). I tend to feel comfortable in a longer dress, and the front slit adds movement so that it's not constricting to walk in. The red literally pops and was meant to be worn for the holidays. The high neck adds a certain sleek sophistication. In short - I knew that this was THE dress to wear to ring in the New Year.

Go Bold With Some Bling

New Year's Eve absolutely calls for a little shimmer and sparkle. I kept my usually simple hoops in my ears and thin gold chain around my wrist and decided to amp things up with my metallic silver Jigaw London clutch from last year (similar).

Always a fan of mixing silver and gold, I went for my statement vintage cocktail ring. It is actually a white egg sitting in a gold bird's nest and is fun to wear to events where I don't know a lot of people, since it's a good conversation piece. 

Try A Tuxedo Jacket

I hate to cover up a great dress, but often times find myself chilly inside events.  Rather than reach for a wrap or scarf, try adding a masculine twist to an uber feminine dress with a sharp tuxedo jacket. It adds a sleek look without compromising the integrity of the overall look. I always advise clients to drape the blazer over their shoulders for an extra hint of chic to looks oh-so-effortless. (The same can be done with a motor jacket or statement blazer) For a list of our favorite Tuxedo jackets, scroll down to the end.

Don't Shy Away From Fun & Whimsy

As I mentioned earlier, it's important to wear pieces that you feel like yourself in. For me, I always like to incorporate a bit of fun and interest into everything I wear. When Kimberly starting shooting me in this look, I hadn't even thought about wearing the faux fur leopard print jacket with it. On a whim, she had me throw it over my shoulders and suddenly everything transformed and it just felt right.

ProTip: Always push yourself to take a chance and try something different to see what registers with you. And since this is our last post of 2017, we encourage you to not only do that in style, but also in life! 

We hope you have a fabulous New Year's Eve and that 2018 brings your every dream come true!

Stay Stylish,

Our Favorite Picks

Tuxedo Jackets

Buon Natale! Holiday Casual Chic Dressing

Every family has their own Holiday traditions and in my family that usually means a large gathering around a meal to play games and exchange a secret Santa gift. The dress code is very casual but also a little bit festive. So, what do you wear that is an upgrade from that Ugly Christmas sweater? 

Add a Pop Of Color to Your Holiday Wardrobe

Christmas red has been lacking in my wardrobe for several years now and I've been looking to brighten up my seasonal capsule wardrobe. This year there are plenty of bright red options available in stores. I stumbled upon this Sea Blue off the shoulder cashmere sweater during Thanksgiving weekend and snatched it up at a steal. I like that this sweater can be worn through February and brought out in SF during our foggy July (of course). 

Protip: Instead of wearing your off the shoulder sweater as designed, add a twist. Wearing your sweater off one shoulder will add dimension and keep it from looking too broad or flat across the shoulders.

Pick a Printed Shoe or Accessory with Personality

To balance out wearing solids (Red sweater + Blue jeans) I like introducing a print to keep the look interesting. Tartan is a classic choice for the holidays and a print that always cycles through traditional stores (J.Crew, Brooks Brothers, Talbots). I spotted these flats while skimming Black Friday sales and was instantly smitten. You heard it here first, Talbots is having a fashion moment. The black puff and tartan remind me of British toy soldiers and add some playful cheer to the look. Need a plaid flat of your own? We have a few additional recommendations at the end of the blog.

ProTip: When breaking in new flats, take them to a cobbler to add partial soles or scuff them up with heavy duty sandpaper. Talbots flats are VERY VERY slick out of the box and you'll need to add traction. (I did a nice baseball slide the first time I wore mine--lesson learned)

Top of Your Holiday Look with a Little Sparkle

Last year Megan and I were ALL ABOUT the sparkle for holiday. This year we are all about a pop of red and statement earrings. If you want to purchase a reasonably priced pair, BaubleBar, J.Crew and Banana Republic have wonderful options.

I LOVE these tassel earrings from J.Crew because they are lightweight and the length works with my face shape. I tried a similar pair from BaubleBar but they were too heavy and no one likes to having to remove their earrings mid-evening because they are weighing you down. We have a few additional recommendations at the end of the blog.

Stay Stylish,


P.S.--If the man at Isaia says you can ride the vespa then CIAO! you ride the vespa to your next holiday party.

Outfit Details: Sea Blue Red Sweater $149, Madewell High Waist Jeans $128, Talbots Edison Tartan Flats $129, J.Crew Tassel Earrings $24.50 (Silver)

Our Favorite Picks!

Tartan Flats

Statement Earrings

Posted on December 22, 2017 and filed under Style Tips.

Hygge: Finding Cozy Calm During the Holidays

Definition: Hygge (pronounced hue-guh not hoo-gah) is a Danish word used to acknowledge a feeling or moment, whether alone or with friends, at home or out, ordinary or extraordinary as cozy, charming or special.

The Danish Art of Comfort

This winter we have been all about getting cozy and enjoying simple pleasures - a hot chocolate on a cold afternoon, reading a book under a warm blanket, and savoring a good glass of wine with friends. In Denmark, this is referred to as "Hygge," the concept of being cozy in the moment.

Slowing Down To Enjoy The Moment

Hygee doesn't refer to actually being cozy, but rather a state of mind where you feel comfort and contentment. You can be in the middle of a crowded street and still be "Hygge." 

In the busy hustle and bustle of SF life, especially around the holidays, it's nice to slow down and just be present. That's why at the Canvas Office we've decided to dedicate this Christmas to finding more moments to enjoy simple contentment.

For Kimberly, it's being outdoors with her family and sweet niece. For Megan, it's setting her phone aside and finding a spot in front of the fire. And for Devon, it's soaking up her favorite NYC spots while she is home.

Creating a Little Hygge Of Your Own

If you need a little inspiration to slow down or feel cozy, here are some of our favorite things that help us capture a little "Hygge" this winter that we will be sharing with loved ones!

Reflecting and Recharging for a New Year

As we get ready for the holidays and wrap our final shopping trips of the year, we are already starting to reflect on 2017.  With that in mind, Megan and I will be taking a break from blogging between Christmas and New Years to rest, recharge, and cherish the joy of the season-- moment by moment with loved ones.  

Below are a few of our favorite "Hygge" moments from the past year.

Stay Stylish,


Beret Weather: How To Wear This Winter's Top Accessory

Megan and I have devoted a number of blogs this season to the latest fashion trends. While it is important to acknowledge that some trends do not fall into everyone's style playbook, keeping up on what is happening will ensure that your style stays relevant. What's that, you don't have time to read up, watch runway shows, and navigate endless stores? That is why we are here and blogging for you!

Every once and a while a trend will cycle through that you hope lasts forever.  I'll admit it, I am a longtime beret lover.  I love their simplicity, power, and functionality.  I have been waiting for YEARS for this accessory to come back into vogue. Thanks to a former presidential intern, the beret has had some lonely seasons. So, how do you wear a beret in 2017 and not look like a wayward Halloween costume or American girl doll? Read on to find out.

Stay Stylish,


Pick a Color That Matches Your Personality

  • Black: You're a classic--part romantic, part mysterious bohemian
  • Ivory: Soft and romantic, you prefer a feminine touch to your style
  • Red: Bold, lively and powerful you are not afraid to take a fashion risk
  • Green: Perhaps you love nature, but you could have political leanings
  • Blue: Calm, cool, and wise, you are steady in your fashion sense

How To Wear Your Beret

At Canvas we prefer sporting our berets slouched to the back with the brim at our brow. To avoid looking like a pop-over, keep your hat weighted and sitting to the side at an angle. While everyone is entitled to their own take, we find this combination classic, chic, and flattering on most face shapes. If you have sharper features, soften the angle and opt for a lighter color or printed beret.

Keep It An Accessory And Not A Focal Point

While some accessories can make an outfit we recommend keeping your beret a quieter statement. Channel your inner French gal and own it! I love pairing a beret with a statement jacket like my look here or an oversized sweater and coated denim to add a textured edge. If you want to add a little more softness, wear your beret with a flowy dress.

Outfit Details: ba&sh Clock Coat $695, Joe's Coated Black Denim $79.97 (sale) , Gap Green Turtleneck (similar), Dolce Vita Hilary Booties (similar), Beret Uniqlo $29 (SOLD OUT) (Similar or alt. here)

Posted on December 15, 2017 and filed under Style Tips.

Canvas 2017 Holiday Gift Guide: Something For Everyone on Your List

Here at the Canvas office, we get pretty excited about giving gifts to our loved ones. And since we spend so much time in stores, we usually have our holiday gifts picked out months in advance.

Our 2017 Gift Guide for Everyone in Your Family

Realizing that not everyone shops quite as often as we do, we have gone ahead and put together our top gifts for parents, siblings, babies. In a range of prices and styles, these are all gifts that we've either already purchased for a loved one, hope to receive under the tree or just really think are awesome. Enjoy!

What to Give Mom & Dad

Regardless of their taste, Mom and Dad can always feel hard to buy for. Over the years, I've started doing joint gifts, so that it's something they can use together. Here are my 4 favorite holiday gifts for Mom & Dad. ~Meg

1. Nescafe Dolce Gusto: This little machine makes some pretty incredible coffee, including espressos, macchiatos, lattes, iced drinks and more! The best part is that you can control the strength of each brew so that it's exactly how you want it.

2. Soothe In-Home Massage: After the last dish is done and the wrapping paper is cleaned up, have Soothe come to your parents home for a little pampering. They offer a variety of massages starting at $119 an hour, and best part is that the tip is included in the price.

3. UGG Slippers: Perfect for curling up in front of the fire with a good book or glass of wine, mom and dad will love the ultimate in cozy slippers... especially if they live in a colder climate!

4. Awkward Moment Card Game: Perfect for family gatherings, this is the card game for people who don't like card games - it's that fun! A few inside family jokes are guaranteed to come out as well.

What to Give Your Sibling

Every year, I try to get my brothers something that’s unique and thoughtful. They both have different hobbies and styles so this always comes as a challenge. Thankfully, Amazon is the perfect one stop shop for all things gifting. ~Devon

1.  Brooklyn Brew Shop, Beer Making Kit: I love a gift that can last throughout the year. A beer making kit is great if you know a guy (or girl!) who likes to get theirs hands a little dirty while learning something new. This kit comes with all the supplies and ingredients you need to make your own tasty concoction. The Chocolate Maple Porter is the perfect flavor for the winter season.

2. WEKAPO Inflatable Air Sofa: The first time I saw one of these, I was at a park in Europe and they were everywhere! Flash forward a year, and you can’t step a foot into Delores or Fort Mason Park without running these things. Perfect for hanging with friends, camping and just about anywhere you can think of, it packs small and only requires fresh air and a little muscle to blow up.

3. Marcato Atlas Pasta Machine: Who doesn’t love fresh pasta? All you need is an egg, some flour and a little elbow grease to make delicious, restaurant-quality pasta dishes at home! If you have any foodies in your life, this will be a hit come Christmas morning.

4. Happy Socks Gift Box: As silly as it may seem; socks make the perfect holiday gift! When you’re unsure of what to get, a few pairs of fun dress socks are always a crowd pleaser. Happy Socks makes all kinds of fun prints, and their gift boxes make for easy wrapping.

What to Give Your Niece or Nephew

The holidays really are so much more fun with children around. If you don't have a special child in your life, but would like to make a difference, I am a BIG fan of the Enchantment program with the SF Ballet. If you are interested in sending a child to the ballet, read on. To treat the littles in your life or the young at heart see below for my favorite gifts. ~Kimberly

1. A Great Book: I like gifting books to kids that can be read together or inspire imagination and curiosity. Here are my top picks for the young and junior readers...

 The Pout Pout Fish by Deborah Diesen : This colorful book is one of my niece's favorites about a little grumpy fish who learned that a frown is an upside down smile. Sometime's we all need that reminder to change our perspective.

 Atlas Of Adventures by Rachel Williams: This book is great for older kids (and kids at heart) with a taste for adventure. Each section highlights a notable place in the world, what you'll see there, along with plenty of activities and challenges.

2. Ballerina and Brother Mouse: I love this line of simple and soft toys. The Nutcracker is a family holiday tradition, so the mice can tie in in a small way. You can pick up some of these cuties at the aptly named SF toy store, Tantrum.

3. The Things I Know Matching Game: When I give gifts to kids I like them to serve a larger purpose or be educational (yes I am THAT Aunt). This colorful game is perfect for young elementary school kids.

4. Daisy Cookware Set: Sometimes you gift things you want yourself. This happy little set comes in a reusable box that has a pretend double burner designed to inspire hours of play (i.e. keeping busy hands occupied) whipping up culinary delights. 

Stay Stylish,
M, K, & D